Comunicazioni del Presidente


10 Maggio 2020

E’ mancato pochi giorni fa,dopo una rapida e grave malattia, il collega tedesco professor Karl Ulli Petry.

A nome di tutti i Soci mi stringo ai familiari in questo doloroso momento.

Il Presidente della S.I.C.P.C.V

Dr. M. Barbero

Allego la comunicazione ricevuta dal Dott. Pekka Nieminen, Presidente della  European Federation for Colposcopy

Dear Colposcopists and EFC members,

I have very sad news to tell you.  Our former President, Professor Ulli Petry has passed away few days ago after a rapid and serious illness.

Ulli was a dear friend to many, a true gentleman and a brilliant scientist. Ulli was a keystone for our society EFC and an inspiration for a generation of colposcopists, not just in his own Clinic in Wolfsburg or in Germany, but in the whole Europe. He made a huge contribution to colposcopy, science and above all to our European good relations and friendships.

We will miss Ulli and we remember him in silent mourning.

Pekka Nieminen
President, European Federation for Colposcopy